In the community rural area personal hygiene, household, and toilet are very priority for social development workers and we should pay attention to educate the villagers to understand why personal hygiene, household environment cleaning, and toilet hygiene are so important for the family living with healthiness, prosperity, and good environment. To understand about this topic I would like you to answer these questions as following:
1. Household environment cleaning
Negative: Raise the animal, pets, livestock, cow in the household because the house become unclean, not healthy, any members in the family have mental problem and stomach problem – diarrhea, cholera, or stomach painful.
Positive: If we can raise the animals separately bit far away from the household, our house become healthy, and good environment, keep the house clean every day. The members in the family have no problem with diseases and we live with healthy environment and happiness. We also keep our hand clean before and after having meal or toilet.
2. Latrine:
Negative: If we do not use latrine and always go outside, such as rice field, near the public clean water, pond, or the forest near the house are problem with health because the flies are the agency to transmit the diseases into our body though food, the diseases will flow into the river and lake during the rainy season. So the members in the family have a lot of problem such as diarrhea, cholera, or stomach painful.
Positive: If we use the latrine or toilet in the house, the flies cannot transmit the diseases into our body. The diseases do not flow into the river or lake. The members in the family have no more problems related with the health, but when we leave from the latrine, do not forget to clean the hand with soap and keep our hand clean or healthy.
Therefore to be healthy family and living with good environment we should have a good food, safe food, living with healthiness, and good health and peaceful.
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